Stepan Barutkin
3 min readJan 7, 2021

Introspection. Again.

Hi, my blog and my folks!šŸ‘‹

Today Iā€™ll write about the highlights of this academic semester which is coming to an end at the end of this January.

Letā€™s get started!

In case you forgot, Iā€™m a second year student (so-called sophomore) in LUNN (Linguistic University of Nizhny Novgorod). And weā€™ve been learning distantly since the 16th of March till the end of 2nd semester of the first course in June and since the 16th of November last year. Huzzahā€¦ can I just share my emotions (mostly itā€™s pain and sadness) here? Yes? Thank you!

Firstly, itā€™s our education. I would rather call it ā€œself educationā€. Because the teachers want to know so much from us.

because we are on the distance learning and ā€œdefinitely have more time to find the material by ourselvesā€. The fact is that not all students have enough motivation to learn properly from home and study so much information by themselves.

Secondly, our stundentsā€™ life was just cut off. We nearly donā€™t have any connection between different groups (we have 4 groups in the same course). In the good old times we had the Freshman Quest and Freshman Party to become familiar with each other. We also spent lunchtime together and went to a political club ā€œTribuneā€ and cinema club ā€œCassetteā€ where we met the elder students and it was our continuity of generations. The Freshmen now donā€™t have this opportunity at all. So, Iā€™m glad that at least we had it and I pray for coming back to a normal student life without any restrictions as soon as possible.

I think thatā€™s enough about my challenges, letā€™s move on to my achievements.

Well, Iā€™m still receiving my scholarship (even increased), but in the next semester Iā€™m going to have even more because Iā€™m going to pass this session without any ā€œgoodā€ marks (with all ā€œexcellentā€ marks of course!!!). And no doubts Iā€™m moving forward in my career as a diplomat, gaining new knowledge from different fields: politics, world economy, philosophy and globalization. I cannot mention the improving of my language skills as I donā€™t see any difference from inside. Iā€™d better pass this judgment my to English teacher Anna Vladimirovna and my groupmates, am I right, Anatoliy?

Iā€™m looking forward to a new semester (after a one week holidays indeed) and to a normal student life, but I realize that the second thing is almost impossible right now. So, I pray that at least language classes will be at the university. As you may notice, I didnā€™t write only English classes, because since the second semester we will be studying German language. Ja, meine liebe Deutsche SprachešŸ‡©šŸ‡Ŗā¤ļø Thanks God that we wonā€™t learn FrenchšŸ˜‚ In the coming semester Iā€™m going to double my efforts with every subject, be more concentrated on a process of studying and not only on its results and I pray that the foreign students will be allowed to come to Russia and k.nadjuscha finally will come and also will be studying at the LUNN, because now sheā€™s been studying distantly since she entered it in August last yearšŸ˜”

I wish everyone a productive rest of the holidays, easy exams and success in the next semester! Make your dreams come true!! NOW!!!

At this point Iā€™m going to make my dreams about 10 hours of sleep until 11 oā€™clock brunch come true! Soā€¦

Thatā€™s all for today, folks!

And as always, see ya later in my next blog post!šŸ˜ø Take care, wash your hands and still wear a mask!šŸ˜· you can also get a vaccine but as for me Iā€™m not kinda the guinea pig in laboratory, so I will wait for the results of the first vaccines.

C ya l8er!āœŒļøBye!


Stepan Barutkin

just a guy who tries to live his life more or less consciously